


How do I incorporate access controls into Dataland?

Dataland allows you to create multiple workspaces. Each workspace can have different members, data sources, and tables.

For example, if you wanted to create a workflow where customer support reps can only see support tickets for a certain geography (i.e. EMEA), then:

  1. Create a new workspace for EMEA Support Agents by clicking on the Workspace switcher in the top left navigation sidebar > Create a new workspace
  2. Add a new data source, which can optionally take in a username / role (in Snowflake) or username (in Postgres) scoped to only access the right data.
  3. Add a table which only has the right data that these users could see.
  4. Invite your users to join your workspace by clicking Invite people in the bottom left of the navigation sidebar.

Is Dataland SOC 2 Type 2 compliant?

Yes! Please email us at for a copy of our SOC 2 Type 2 report.

Where can I read Dataland's privacy policy, terms of service, or security statement?